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‘Star Wars VII’ to Begin Filming in May, Principal Casting Done


With a December 2015 release date, odds are production for the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII should begin sooner, rather than later.  At the same level of importance, fans are brutally itching to hear official casting announcements for the film, which has been rumored to bring new faces, as well as some familiar to the Star Wars saga.

Now, Hitfix is reporting from multiple, nameless sources, that filming for Star Wars VII will begin in May, running straight through September; a solid five months of tight-schedule shooting.  It was previously announced that production for the upcoming space epic would take place at Pinewood Studios over in England.  If the film wraps up production in September, that leaves over a year of post-production until the film’s release on December 18th, 2015.

Hitfix also states that “most principal casting on the film is complete, with many announcements still to come”.  If the “unnamed” sources from this report are true, we could very well find out who will be in Episode VII within the next two-three months.

(I know, I’m flipping out too.)

As for who the cast could include, countless rumors have gone viral in previous months, suggesting that anyone from Gary Oldman, to Chiwetel Ejiofor, to Michael Fassbender, to Jesse Plemons, to Benedict Cumberbatch could find starring roles in the film.  The only official character announcement so far has been the return of lovable droid R2-D2.
It has also been heavily rumored, and even spoken about by director J.J. Abrams, that Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, and Mark Hamill will have roles in the new Star Wars, reprising their roles as Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker, respectively.  At this point, according to Fisher, she is set to report for production in March, alongside her old co-stars Ford and Hamill, which only furthers the probability that we will see the trio return for the first time since 1983’s Return of the Jedi.

Just a reminder that this is all rumored information, and is not official until the studio itself gives a press release regarding the film’s production schedule.

What do you think about this bit of info?  Are you excited as I am for Star Wars VII to start coming together?
Stay tuned to Reel Freak for the latest news on the film.

Star Wars: Episode VII is set to hit theaters December 18th, 2015, directed by J.J. Abrams.

Written by Josh Sazin on 2/11/14, with a link to Hitfix

7 comments on “‘Star Wars VII’ to Begin Filming in May, Principal Casting Done

  1. Flashback/Backslide
    February 11, 2014

    It will be exciting for me if any of the actors you’ve mentioned are in the film. The original series came out way before I was born and I have a hard time thinking about the actors in those movies as anything but their Star Wars characters (other than Harrison Ford, who I think of more as Indiana Jones). Seeing actors like Fassbender and Oldman, who I have come to enjoy in many films, will make the new series even more exciting for me. Familiar storylines with familiar talent.

    • jsazin
      February 11, 2014

      The original trilogy was well before my time too. I grew up on the prequels and the originals on video/dvd, so I’m excited to see Episode VII a decade later in my early 20’s. I really do hope the original cast comes back, even guys like Billy Dee Williams. Would love to see Fassbender and Oldman, they’re two of the top actors of modern cinema. I can’t wait.

  2. The Critical Cinephile
    February 13, 2014

    Oh please let the rumors be true. I remember waiting in line for every one of these films (yup, I am that old). In fact, I kinda feel I should start standing in line now to ensure I get a good seat in 2015.

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