Reel Freak

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Zoe Saldana Talks Upcoming ‘Avatar’ Sequels


Last week, it was announced that both Zoe Saldana and Sam Worthington would reprise their roles in the three upcoming sequels to James Cameron’s Avatar.  The three sequels will shoot back-to-back-to-back and be released in successive Decembers, starting in 2016.

While at Sundance Film Festival, Saldana recently talked to MTV  about the sequels.  When asked about the announcement of her character returning for the three installments, she said “I knew. I knew for a while. Then it was confirmed last fall when they approached us, already telling us these are the dates, lock yourself, we would like you to start getting ready around this time.”

Saldana has wasted no time getting excited for her upcoming performances, and has already visited where production of the movies will take place.  While there is no official script, apparently Saldana enjoys the stories of the films that director James Cameron shared with her.  Here’s what she had to say:

“I went down to the studio that they’ve been setting up for the past three years. It was wonderful. Jim took us and gave us a tour of all the reference pictures, telling us the stories. I haven’t been able to read the scripts. They’re still working on them. We kind of get choked up. [Cameron] gets emotional telling us about the story. I get emotional hearing about it, so I’m looking forward to it.”

Are you excited for the upcoming Avatar sequels?  They are set to be released in December 2016, December 2017, and December 2018, directed by James Cameron.

Written by Josh Sazin on January 20th, 2014, with a link to

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  1. WHaT's Up WiTH Me and STuFF
    February 6, 2014

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